Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Brokeback Mountain

She: Hmm
She: :-?
He: What's up, Sexy?
She: Brokeback...not sure.
She: I wanted *more*.
He: That was my comment.
She: Really?
He: I thought it was good...but
She: I just felt that by making it all macho and repressed, *we* the audience missed out.
He: I don't really understand what the connection was.
She: Exactly.
She: Missed out on what it was that tied them together...
He: Was it just a root in the mountains?
He: Is that what it's all about?
She: It seemed so...
She: I wanted more talk, more eye contact, more chemistry...
She: I wanted *love*!
She: Not just a shag.
He: Where were the scenes that would have made a tear-jerking montage at the end?
She: Where were they?
He: Not there.
She: Where *was* that montage?
He: We need a monTAGE!
She: :))
She: Even Rocky had a montage!
He: YES!!! :))
He: There was that one scene...
He: by the river where they had a little domestic about taxes or something.
He: That was it!
She: Hmmm
She: I liked it when he lassoed him.
She: But even that turned into a fight.
She: I wanted more naked swimming.
She: Call me old fashioned.
He: Yeah, and I cried at the shirt in the closet scene.
He: But I also wondered why.
She: What's that cowboy in Toy Story called?
She: Jack reminded me of him.
She: Put me off a bit.
She: Woody!
She: I cried a little at the shirt scene.
She: But I was only really crying cos my gay friend was crying next to me.
She: His tears moved me more than the bloody movie.
He: Still, good acting.
She: Yes, good acting
He: Don't think the Mumbler deserved a nomination though.
He: Jake was better.
She: Nah.
She: Fatal flaw in a main character--not very chatty.
She: !!
She: Where *was* the connection?
She: Where?
He: It was just not there.
She: Was in *just* in their trousers?
He: It's just a shag in the mountains.
She: Have any of the reviews said similar?
He: I haven't seen any!
She: Nor me.
He: You're the first one who has said it!
She: Wow--you too!
He: I was going to say that yesterday before you saw the movie, but I wanted to see what you'd say first!
She: Yes, glad you did.
She: It's good to make up one's own mind.
He: So I'm kinda glad it didn't win best picture.
She: Yeah, didn't deserve that.
He: If it had, it would have been some misguided gesture to show how "progressive" the Academy was.
He: Not about the movie.
She: Absolutely.
She: I feel slightly cheated.
He: Yeah, but see you waited too long to see it.
She: Oh, it's *my* fault, is it?
He: With all the hype that built up around the Oscars, it was slowly getting built up in your mind.
She: True, true.
He: I hate that.
She: But more than that, it was people around telling me I would gush rivers of tears...
She: that it was deeply moving...
He: Yeah.
She: Well, I almost didn't cry one bit.
She: I think I only did at the end cos I wanted to.
She: I *chose* to.
She: That it's about love and choices, etc.
She: Well it is I guess but...
He: Emperor's New Clothes, I'm afraid.
She: Ha, yes.
She: It's just that "but" element.
He: And we're the only ones with the guts to speak out.
She: We are.
She: I think we should form some sort of united front.
He: "You're all naked, you fools!"
She: We're on the side of the gays! We want them to be better represented.
She: *Not* just as an alternative shag for men with wives.
He: That's right...
She: Not just as a fierce animalistic urge.
She: But as true love!
He: Exactly!
She: We really only saw it as the outsiders saw it...
She: as the wives saw it.
She: We didn't get much more of a glimspse than they did.
She: Tons of shots of them riding side by side on horseback.
She: OK we get it, they're comfortable with each other
She: So?
He: We *wanted* it to be real.
He: Then it would make sense.
She: We did.
She: Rivers flowing--is that imagery? Are we supposed to make do with *that*?
He: It's just pushing that love is just some romanticised Hallmark card!
He: Could have been a hell of a lot more powerful...
She: It was a waste.

Brokeback Mountain
She: **1/2
He: ***


Anonymous Anonymous said...

If "he" thought is was so bad, why 3 stars?

3:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He: Good point. I can't remember why I did that. Unless it was in a "it's not as good as I thought it was going to be but the acting and cinematography were still good" kind of way. Having thought about it, though, you're right. I hereby change my rating to **1/2!

4:30 PM  

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