Thursday, May 18, 2006

Da Vinci Code

She: Hello!
He: Hi!
She: What did you think of the film?
He: I thought it was ... fine.
He: Actually good in some parts.
She: Yes, it wasn't as bad as I thought ...
She: However, I thought Sophie was rather flat.
She: But then the character in the book is very flat also.
He: Yes!!! I thought she was very wooden.
He: I mean it *was* the book, wasn't it.
She: And what with the mobile phone search on the bus?
She: That was a big change from the book.
He: I read it so long ago I forgot ...
She: And wasn't there a big change to the end?
She: In the book her brother turns up ...
She: ... isn't really dead
He: Really? Can't remember.
She: And I thought she wasn't actually a descendent of JC.
She: But then I might be wrong.
He: I was thinking it seemed a bit different too.
She: Yeah, her bro and her have a reunion at that church.
She: Tom Hanks looked shifty throughout.
She: Like he'd had an accident in his pants.
He: But never the least bit worried that hundreds of people were out to kill/arrest a humble scholarly author.
He: Happens every vacation!
He: I'd forgotten some of the gaping holes that were in the book -- they looked even bigger on screen!
She: eg?
He: A scholar and religious historian finds himself hanging out with the direct descendant of Jesus Christ ...
He: Gets her home and then says "Catch you later ... call me sometime?"
She: But in the book he invites her to Florence for a week.
She: He says "I've got a nice big room, nudge nudge wink wink".
He: Really! I forgot that! That makes more sense!
She: Yeah and she agrees to meet him.
She: In his big room
He: I thought Ian McKellen was very good.
She: He was indeed.
She: Superb.
She: The highlight.
She: Thought the albino needed red eyes though.
He: True.
He: You know what else I liked?
He: The use of computer graphics.
She: Ah, yes.
She: Did add something didn't it?
She: It has got such bad reviews though.
He: Yeah. Can't imagine what everyone was expecting ...
He: I mean that was the book, wasn't it...
She: It really was.
She: It was very in the "mood" of the book.
She: and it "looked" like I imagined it would.
He: The hard part is there is an awful lot of "explaining" things in the book.
He: Which is harder to do on film.
She: Yes.
She: I was conscious of myself waiting for explanations.
She: Because the girl I went with hadn't seen it.
She: So I was sort of seeing it through her eyes too.
She: She was dumbfounded afterwards, didn't know what to think of it.
She: It's pretty full on if you've not read it I guess.
He: Yeah. One thing I don't remember from the book is when Teabing changed positions of Jesus and "Mary" on the computer. Remember that, from the Last Supper?
She: Yes!
She: I don't think that happened in the book ...
He: That was pretty amazing.
She: And I only read it last week.
She: I am just wondering how I'd view it if I'd not read it.
She: It was quite pretty to look at, great shots of Paris, London etc.
She: But it did depress me a bit.
He: Depressed?
She: Gloomy.
She: Not much humour.
She: The only kindness really between Sophie and Robert.
She: I was in a bad mood anyway.
He: And there wasn't much of that nudge nudge at all, was there.
She: Not really.
She: And no bare breasts.
She: What's a film without bare breasts?
She: Oh, apart from those in the paintings of course.
She: Hmmm.
She: I think overall it was faithful to the book though.
He: Definitely.
He: So what would you give it out of five stars?
She: I'd say, in all honesty, 2.5 or 3.
She: I'm still deciding.
She: For example:
She: I don't feel like emailing or calling friends today and saying "you MUST see it".
She: and I don't want to see it again
He: I'm with you ... happy to have seen it (on opening night) ... don't think I'll need to buy the DVD.
She: I'll go 2.5.
He: I'm stuck between 2.5 and 3 too ...
He: Problem is I don't want to penalise the film for problems with the story.
She: True true.
She: But it was too long.
She: Then I guess it had to be.
He: I think, Margaret, I'm going to have to go 3 stars.
She: Ok.
She: David, I'm going to stick with 2.5.
She: (I saw Margaret at the "Candy" premiere I went to.)
She: (She's tiny.)
He: Is she as Hobbitish in real life? (That was mean ... must delete this question.)
She: She's a munchkin.
She: But very cute.
He: I think if I met David, I'd have the urge to give him a few short pushes.
He: "Team America, only one star? What's your problem, buddy? Huh? Huh?"
She: How can we trust a man who gives TA one star?

Da Vinci Code
She: **1/2
He: ***


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